Less than two weeks until school starts, and still so much to do!
Since getting my job in the beginning of July, I've already been in and out of McQueen a TON!
I've cleaned out and organized the light booth as best I can.
I've thought about changing my name Vinz Clortho, Keymaster of McQueen because of the amount of keys I have acquired in order to have access to all of the various places used for the Theatre.
I've discussed the Fall play with Mr. Carlson and the Spring musical with Ms. Burt and Mr. Baker (both of which will be revealed later).
I've taken inventory of what needs to be accomplished to get our theater ship-shape and ready for performances, and am prioritizing a list of what needs to be done when.
It's going to be a busy year and a LOT of work, but I'm sure it will also be an absolute blast!
I'm looking forward to it!